
RiverStewards Collaborative Initiatives

One Water Planning Process White Paper for Spring Creek Watershed – This white paper describes what the One Water concept entails, provides a case study of the process from the Spring Creek watershed in Centre County, Pennsylvania, and provides guidance on how other municipalities in Pennsylvania and beyond can use the experiences from Spring Creek to shape their own One Water planning process. Download white paper here.

River Economic Curation – This involves tracking the total economic return on investment of the Susquehanna River and providing that data and analyses to other interested parties to provide support for continued protection and restoration of the watershed and the greater Chesapeake Bay. Learn more here.

Data Repository – As much data as possible (from colleges, government agencies, nonprofits) on the health of the Susquehanna River and the plants and animals that call it home will be contained in a centralized, publicly-accessible database so that all stakeholders will have access to the same beneficial data resources. This will reduce duplication of effort, encourage collaboration, and identify data gaps that can then be filled. Learn more here.

Outreach & Engagement – RiverStewards will enhance what we know and appreciate about the Susquehanna River through a variety of education, research, and outreach efforts, such as:

RiverStewards Benefit Corporation Initiatives

Product Commercialization – This involves finding inventions created at higher education institutions that benefit water quality/quantity in some way, purchasing the intellectual property rights to them, and then scaling them up for sale in the public market.

Collaborative Process Management – This involves helping municipalities and other organizations make collective impact toward water quality/quantity challenges through facilitated charrette and other services. RiverStewards will provide consulting services to organizations wishing to work together to be more effective than they would be working alone.