RiverStewards is a collective impact organization that involves myriad partners from state and municipal government, academia, the business community, and the nonprofit sector. The following are links some of our many partners’ websites to learn more about who they are and what they do.

Chesapeake Bay Commission – The Chesapeake Bay Commission is a policy leader in the restoration of the Chesapeake Bay. As a tri-state legislative assembly representing Maryland, Virginia and Pennsylvania, the Commission’s leadership covers a full spectrum of Bay issues: from managing living resources and conserving land, to protecting water quality.

Center for Land Use and Sustainability @ Shippensburg University – This Center fosters healthy, vibrant, and sustainable communities through applied research, experiential learning opportunities, and interdisciplinary, cross-sector partnerships.

Collective Impact Forum – Collective impact brings people together, in a structured way, to achieve social change. This website provides a wealth of information, upcoming webinars, and other resources to break from your job silos to work collaboratively.

Envision the Susquehanna – This collaborative effort of nearly 40 organizations encourages individuals, community leaders, and organizations to describe their vision for the Susquehanna River watershed. Through a report that can be found on the site, you can read the results of the initial planning process and learn of their vision for the future of the Susquehanna River.

Lower Susquehanna RiverKeeper – This nonprofit organization protects, inproves, and preserves the health of the Lower Susquehanna River Watershed, from the confluence of the West and North branches south to the Chesapeake Bay. On this site you can contact the RiverKeeper to report pollution or other issue on the river, and stay up-to-date on the health of the Susquehanna.

Middle Susquehanna RiverKeeper – This nonprofit organization is dedicated to protecting, improving, and preserving the health of the Middle Susquehanna River Watershed, starting at the confluence of the West and North branches and continuing to the headwaters of the West Branch and to just south of the New York border on the North Branch. On this site you can contact the RiverKeeper to report pollution or other issue on the river, and stay up-to-date on the health of the Susquehanna.

PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources – This state agency manages all state parks and state forests, as well as gives grants to support local parks and conservation work. This includes protection and promotion of the state’s river and stream systems.

PA Department of Environmental Protection – This state agency monitors and helps to protect Pennsylvania’s water quality and quantity through various means, including working closely with the agricultural, mining, manufacturing, and other industries to minimize impacts to the commonwealth’s water bodies.

PA Fish and Boat Commission – This state agency monitors and manages fish populations across the state, as well as handles fishing and boating licenses.

Pennsylvania Organization for Watersheds and Rivers (POWR) – POWR advocates for the protection, restoration and enjoyment of our common wealth of water resources, and conducts programs that foster stewardship, communication, leadership and action. POWR is a leading environmental non-profit membership organization for watershed and river protection.

Social Enterprise Group– This entity brings together senior fellows, student interns, and business professionals to collaborate on social enterprise development initiatives that create sustainable social and economic value both domestically and internationally. They do this by building upon a deep respect for the talent, passion, and dedication of those who have devoted their lives to working for the common good.

Susquehanna Greenway Partnership – The Susquehanna Greenway links natural, cultural, historic, and recreational resources along the 500-mile corridor of the Susquehanna River in Pennsylvania. The Partnership is a basin-wide organization for resource management and community conservation – factors of lasting importance to the economies and quality of life of river communities.

Susquehanna Heartland Coalition for Environmental Studies – This effort of Lycoming College is a unique collaboration of professors and students working together to advance issues relevant to the protection of the Susquehanna River. Learn about their projects and upcoming endeavors here.

Susquehanna Heritage – Susquehanna Heritage is a regional non-profit and Pennsylvania Heritage Area collaborating with local, state, and national partners to connect people to the Susquehanna River and its history. Their work focuses on the Susquehanna Riverlands – the ribbon of scenic and historic landscapes and communities along both shores of the river as it flows through Lancaster and York Counties in South Central Pennsylvania.

Susquehanna River Basin Commission – This agency coordinates the water resources efforts of the three states within the Susquehanna River watershed/basin and the federal government. Its mission is to enhance public welfare through comprehensive planning, water supply allocation, and management of the water resources of the watershed.

Susquehanna River Story – This interactive, multimedia website teaches visitors about adverse human impacts on the East Coast’s longest river, the Susquehanna, and its tributaries. The Susquehanna River Story website uses GIS maps, videos, charts, and photos to show where mining, agriculture, stormwater, and dams have impacted animal and plant life, and show the state government’s efforts in addressing these issues.

Susquehanna River Symposium – This event at Bucknell University has connected scientists and engineers from throughout the Susquehanna River region to focus on issues regarding the watershed since 2006.