Branden S. Diehl—Owner Earth Wise Consulting
In 2001, Branden S. Diehl formed Earth Wise Consulting. Branden has a BS degree in geology, environmental studies, and surface water hydrology, with an additional minor in politics. He is a 2001 Juniata College graduate. He has an extensive background in project development, financing, grant writing and project management.
Diehl serves as the grant and project consultant for the Foundation for Pennsylvania Watersheds (FPW) where he manages the organization’s grant program, and is overseeing the GenOn Initiative—a $3.5M project that aims to restore 35 miles of abandoned mine drainage (AMD) impacted stream miles. This project is estimated to leverage $12M to $15M in state and federal funds. Diehl’s work with FPW was instrumental in influencing White House decision makers and Hal Rogers in passing AMD Pilot monies totaling $90M—$30M for Pennsylvania. He also was instrumental in assisting with implementing the Ehrenfeld reclamation project—a $24M project that will restore 160 acres of mine-impacted land and 45% of the developable land in Ehrenfeld. Branden has more than 15 years of grant and project management experience.
He is proud of his business’s accomplishments, especially procuring nearly $2.5M in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funds—most notably $2.2M for a LEED-certified fire station in Six Mile Run, PA. Branden is an Eagle Scout and also a Commander’s Award recipient for outstanding civilian military service. In 2005 Branden was named as a Top 100 Finalist in the Volvo for Life Awards. In 2010, Branden was honored as a “Foremost Under 40” business leader by Business Central Daily, and to the Altoona Mirror’s “People and Progress” edition. He is also a Pennsylvania Fire Commission certified Firefighter II with PA Department of Health Basic Vehicle Rescue Training certification. Diehl serves as a volunteer at Saxton Volunteer Fire Company where he is a Trustee and Public Information Officer.
Diehl said, “The Susquehanna is an important resource to Pennsylvania and the Chesapeake Bay. The issues facing the water body are numerous and diverse. I strongly believe the only way it heals is through education, outreach and public-private partnerships!”
- Branden S. Diehl—Owner Earth Wise Consulting - March 25, 2017